The End of an Inspiring Journey

Day Five of UKTI Mission to China (Hong Kong) Sadly, our time in China comes to an end. However, before our departure we attend one final briefing, this time with the Hong Kong Trade District Council at the British Consulate General. Here we were given a presentation explaining the different system that exists in Hong Kong to the rest of mainland China. This, together with its excellent infrastructure support and an experienced multi-lingual workforce, provides UK businesses with the perfect springboard for growth into mainland China. Did you know Hong Kong is ranked third in the world for ease of doing business? After the presentation we had our final opportunity to mingle with the local UKTI team and then finally say our fond farewells to our hosts and my fellow mission members. My five days in China have flown by and there has been much to take in, both culturally and professionally, but the whole trip was truly amazing and inspirational. If you would like to comment or have any questions about this article, please email
